LP Shop > Stuff

Items (45)

Name Price
[Rare] Fancy Upgrade Gem  500 LP
Drop Potion (50%)  400 LP
Drop Potion (25%)  200 LP
[LHGN] Huge SP Extend Potion  800 LP
[LHGN] Huge EP Extend Potion  800 LP
[LHGN] Huge MP Extend Potion  800 LP
[LHGN] SP Extend Potion  500 LP
[LHGN] EP Extend Potion  500 LP
[LHGN] MP Extend Potion  500 LP
[Rare] Fancy Upgrade Booster 60%  3,500 LP
[Rare] Fancy Upgrade Booster 40%  2,500 LP
RareOption Success Booster 10%  200 LP
Re-Judger  1,200 LP
Laghaim Boss Pass  150 LP
Medium Upgrade Warranty(100%)  3,000 LP
Magic Affinity Coin  250 LP
Demon Affinity Coin  8,000 LP
Element Container  4,000 LP
Upgrade Warranty(100%)  30,000 LP
Upgrade Warranty(50%)  4,000 LP
Low Upgrade Warranty(100%)  2,000 LP
Recipe Booster 30%  8,000 LP
Recipe Booster 20%  4,000 LP
Recipe Booster 10%  2,000 LP
Great Regent Diamond  5,000 LP
Generic Stone (700)  30,000 LP
Generic Stone (600)  20,000 LP
Generic Stone (500)  16,000 LP
Generic Stone (400)  12,000 LP
God Stone  5,000 LP
Generic Weapon Parts Recipe  0 LP
Generic Weapon Dust  1,000 LP
Unstable Elite TomaHawk-MK3 Recipe  2,000 LP
Unstable Elite Saint Flute Recipe  2,000 LP
Unstable Elite Blue Dragon Stone Recipe  2,000 LP
Unstable Elite Urboros Wand Recipe  2,000 LP
Unstable Elite Dragon Demolition Recipe  2,000 LP
Unstable Elite Decimator Parts Recipe  2,000 LP
Soul Armor Crystal  14,000 LP
Soul Weapon Crystal  14,000 LP
Fragments of Soul Armor  1,400 LP
Fragments of Soul Weapon  1,400 LP
Fragments of Soul  700 LP
Guild Upgrade  5,000 LP
Guild Rename  4,000 LP

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